
Volledige genoomsequentie van een nieuw

Volledige genoomsequentie van een nieuw vispapillomavirus gedetecteerd in gekweekte meerval (Silurus glanis)

Een nieuw papillomavirus (PV) werd gedetecteerd in gekweekte meerval (Silurus glanis) in Hongarije en vertoonde klinische symptomen die lijken op die van de ziekte van wels meerval herpesvirus. Het hele genoom van Silurus glanis papillomavirus 1 (SgPV1) werd geïdentificeerd met behulp van next-generation sequencing. Het volledige genoom van 5.612 bp bevat vier voorspelde eiwitcoderende regio’s (E1, E2, L1 en L2) , die homologen lijken te hebben in elk PV-genoom waarvan de sequentie tot nu toe is bepaald.

Vijf volledige PV-genoomsequenties van vissen zijn beschikbaar in de GenBank-database . Hun genomen variëren tussen 5.748 en 6.086 bp en bevatten de minimale PV-ruggengraatgenen E1, E2, L2 en L1, in tegenstelling tot PV’s van hogere gewervelde dieren, die grotere genomen (6,8-8,6 kbp) en additional (onco)genen hebben. Gezien de huidige standards voor het afbakenen van soorten voor de familie Papillomaviridae, wordt de vestiging van een nieuwe soort met de naam “Nunpapillomavirus siluri” voorgesteld voor de SgPV1 in een nieuw geslacht, “Nunpapillomavirus”, in de onderfamilie Secondpapillomavirinae.

De novo geactiveerde transcriptie van ingevoegde vreemde coderende sequenties is erfelijk in het plantengenoom

De manier waarop geïnsereerde vreemde coderende sequenties transcriptioneel worden geactiveerd en gefixeerd in het plantengenoom is slecht begrepen. Om dergelijke processen van genevolutie te onderzoeken, hebben we een kunstmatig evolutionair experiment uitgevoerd in Arabidopsis thaliana. Als een mannequin van gengeboortegebeurtenissen hebben we een promotorloze coderende sequentie van het vuurvliegluciferase-gen (LUC) geïntroduceerd en 386 transgene lijnen van de T2-generatie vastgesteld. Onder hen bepaalden we de individuele LUC-insertieloci in 76 lijnen en ontdekten dat een derde daarvan de novo werd getranscribeerd, zelfs in de intergene of inherent niet tot expressie gebrachte regio’s. In de getranscribeerde lijnen werden transcriptiegerelateerde chromatinemarkeringen gedetecteerd over de nieuw geactiveerde getranscribeerde gebieden.

Deze resultaten kwamen overeen met onze eerdere bevindingen in A. thaliana gekweekte cellen onder een soortgelijk experimenteel schema. Een vergelijking van de resultaten van de T2-plant en gekweekte celexperimenten onthulde dat de de novo-geactiveerde transcriptie samen met lokale chromatine-remodellering erfelijk was. Tijdens de overerving van één generatie lijkt het waarschijnlijk dat de transcriptie-activiteiten van de LUC-inserts die door de endogene genen/transcripties zijn gevangen, sterker werden, terwijl die van de novo transcriptie in de intergene/niet-getranscribeerde regio’s zwakker werden. Deze bevindingen kunnen een aanwijzing bieden voor de opheldering van het mechanisme waarmee geïnsereerde vreemde coderende sequenties transcriptioneel worden geactiveerd en gefixeerd in het plantengenoom.


Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker (10-250 kDa)

abx090666-100ul 100 ul
EUR 276

Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker (10-250 kDa)

MBS355493-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 215

Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker (10-250 kDa)

MBS355493-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 655

Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker (10-170 kDa)

MBS355495-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 210

Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker (10-170 kDa)

MBS355495-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 640

Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker (1.7-40 kDa)

abx090664-50ul 50 ul
EUR 276

Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker (1.7-40 kDa)

MBS355494-005mL 0.05mL
EUR 215

Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker (1.7-40 kDa)

MBS355494-5x005mL 5x0.05mL
EUR 670

14.4-116kDa Wide Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Unstained

BSM0431 2x1ml, 2ml
EUR 160.22

20-120kDa Mid Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Prestained

BSM0441 2x250ul, 500ul
EUR 164.4

10-200kDa Wide Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Unstained

BSM0661 2x250ul, 500ul
EUR 150.48

10-175kDa Wide Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Prestained

BG00363 500ul, 500ul
EUR 200.94

10-170kDa Wide Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Prestained

BSM0671 2x250ul, 500ul
EUR 312.13

Unstained Ultra Low Molecular Weight Protein Marker (3.3-20kDa)

MKP013-200mL 200μL
EUR 30

Prestained Ultra Low Molecular Weight Protein Marker (3.3-31kDa)

MKP009-200mL 200μL
EUR 30

Rainbow Prestained High Molecular Weight Protein Marker(25-400kDa)

MKPX011-250mL 250μL
EUR 120

TriColor Prestained High Molecular Weight Protein Marker(25-300kDa)

MKPX010-250mL 250μL
EUR 45

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(8-180kDa)

MKPX004-250mL 250μL
EUR 30

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(8-250kDa)

MKPX005-250mL 250μL
EUR 40.8

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(10-180kDa)

MKPX006-250mL 250μL
EUR 25.2

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(10-250kDa)

MKPX007-250mL 250μL
EUR 26.4

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(10-180kDa)

MKPX008-250mL 250μL
EUR 30

High Molecular Weight Native Electrophoresis Protein Marker (66-669kDa)

MKPZ010-200mL 200μL
EUR 72

Rainbow Prestained Ultra Low Molecular Weight Protein Marker(2.7-40kDa)

MKPX012-250mL 250μL
EUR 66

Rainbow Prestained Ultra Low Molecular Weight Protein Marker(2.7-40kDa)

MKPX014-250mL 250μL
EUR 51

HighRange Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers 250ul

EUR 269.04

OORA00217-v1 - DNA (Lambda Phage) Hind III Digest Molecular Weight Marker

OORA00217-v1 100ug
EUR 145

LowRange Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers 250ul - EACH

EUR 298.35

OORA00217-100UG - DNA (Lambda Phage) Hind III Digest Molecular Weight Marker

OORA00217-100UG 100ug
EUR 139

HighRange Rainbow Molecular Weight Markers 250ul - EACH

EUR 298.35

Rat High Molecular Weight Kininogen (HMWK) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 ug
  • 50 ug
  • 100 ug
  • 200 ug
  • 1 mg

Mouse High Molecular Weight Kininogen (HMWK) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 ug
  • 50 ug
  • 100 ug
  • 200 ug
  • 1 mg

Human High Molecular Weight Kininogen (HMWK) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 ug
  • 50 ug
  • 100 ug
  • 200 ug
  • 1 mg

Human High Molecular Weight Kininogen (HMWK) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 ug
  • 50 ug
  • 100 ug
  • 200 ug
  • 1 mg

Chitosan, low molecular weight

GC9009 50g
EUR 79.7

Chitosan, low molecular weight

GC9009-100 100
EUR 87.1

Chitosan, low molecular weight

GC9009-100G 100 g
EUR 141.6

Chitosan, low molecular weight

GC9009-50 50
EUR 45.9

Chitosan, low molecular weight

GC9009-50G 50 g
EUR 91.2

Urokinase High Molecular Weight 95%

GWB-59AF40 3000 Unit Ask for price

Porcine Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase

ELI-19711p 96 Tests
EUR 1113.6

mPEG-BSA (Molecular Weight: 5,000-linear)

PEG-BSA-05K 100 ug
EUR 343.2

mPEG-BSA (Molecular Weight: 10,000-linear)

PEG-BSA-10K 100 ug
EUR 343.2

mPEG-BSA (Molecular Weight: 20,000-linear)

PEG-BSA-20K 100 ug
EUR 343.2

mPEG-BSA (Molecular Weight: 40,000-linear)

PEG-BSA-40K 100 ug
EUR 343.2

Human Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1)

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10ug
  • 50ug
  • 100ug
  • 200ug
  • 500ug
  • 1MG
Description: Recombinant Human Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase(ACP1) expressed in E.coli

Human Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase (ACP1)

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10ug
  • 50ug
  • 100ug
  • 200ug
  • 500ug
  • 1MG
Description: Recombinant Human Low molecular weight phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase(ACP1) expressed in E.coli

Urokinase Low Molecular Weight Human 95%

GWB-882E7C 3000 Unit Ask for price

Keratin, HMW (High Molecular Weight Keratin)

MBS604107-05mL 0.5mL
EUR 575

Keratin, HMW (High Molecular Weight Keratin)

MBS604107-5x05mL 5x0.5mL
EUR 2440

Chitosan (100 - 300 cps); low molecular weight

GP7325 25g
EUR 137.69

Chitosan (100 - 300 cps), low molecular weight

GP7325-100G 100 g
EUR 93.6

Chitosan (100 - 300 cps), low molecular weight

GP7325-1KG 1 kg
EUR 217.2

Chitosan (100 - 300 cps), low molecular weight

GP7325-250G 250 g
EUR 122.4

Chitosan (100 - 300 cps), low molecular weight

GP7325-25G 25 g
EUR 60

Chitosan (100 - 300 cps), low molecular weight

GP7325-500G 500 g
EUR 160.8

Chitosan (30 - 100 cps); low molecular weight

GP8523 25g
EUR 137.69

Chitosan (30 - 100 cps), low molecular weight

GP8523-100G 100 g
EUR 93.6

Chitosan (30 - 100 cps), low molecular weight

GP8523-1KG 1 kg
EUR 217.2

Chitosan (30 - 100 cps), low molecular weight

GP8523-250G 250 g
EUR 122.4

Chitosan (30 - 100 cps), low molecular weight

GP8523-25G 25 g
EUR 60

Chitosan (30 - 100 cps), low molecular weight

GP8523-500G 500 g
EUR 160.8

Kininogen, Low Molecular Weight, Human Plasma

16-16-110914-L-100ug 100ug
EUR 95

Kininogen, Low Molecular Weight, Human Plasma

16-16-110914-L-1mg 1mg
EUR 700

Chitosan (1000 - 2000 cps); high molecular weight

GP5053 25g
EUR 137.69

Chitosan (1000 - 2000 cps), high molecular weight

GP5053-100G 100 g
EUR 93.6

Chitosan (1000 - 2000 cps), high molecular weight

GP5053-1KG 1 kg
EUR 217.2

Chitosan (1000 - 2000 cps), high molecular weight

GP5053-250G 250 g
EUR 122.4

Chitosan (1000 - 2000 cps), high molecular weight

GP5053-25G 25 g
EUR 60

Chitosan (1000 - 2000 cps), high molecular weight

GP5053-500G 500 g
EUR 160.8

Rat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E01A14365 96T
EUR 700
Description: ELISA

Rat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E02L0244-192T 192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Rat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E02L0244-48 1 plate of 48 wells
EUR 624
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Rat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E02L0244-96 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 822
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Rat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Pig Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E07L0244-192T 192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Pig Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E07L0244-48 1 plate of 48 wells
EUR 624
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Pig Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E07L0244-96 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 822
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Porcine Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Dog Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E08L0244-192T 192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Dog Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E08L0244-48 1 plate of 48 wells
EUR 624
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Dog Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E08L0244-96 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 822
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Canine Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Rat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E02L0244-48wellsplate 48 wells plate
EUR 280

Rat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E02L0244-96wellsplate 96 wells plate
EUR 405

Kininogen, High Molecular Weight, Human Plasma

16-16-110914-H-100ug 100ug
EUR 140

Kininogen - High Molecular Weight, Human Plasma

MBS173542-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 865

Kininogen - High Molecular Weight, Human Plasma

MBS173542-1mg 1mg
EUR 3140

Kininogen - High Molecular Weight, Human Plasma

MBS173542-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 13915

Goat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E01A49273 96T
EUR 700
Description: ELISA

Goat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E06L0244-192T 192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Goat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E06L0244-48 1 plate of 48 wells
EUR 624
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Goat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E06L0244-96 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 822
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Goat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Goat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E06L0244-48wellsplate 48 wells plate
EUR 280

Goat Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E06L0244-96wellsplate 96 wells plate
EUR 405

Poly(L-lactic acid) Molecular Weight Kit

18599-1 1kit
EUR 500.04

Chitosan (10 cps); very low molecular weight

GP5480 25g
EUR 137.69

Chitosan (10 cps), very low molecular weight

GP5480-100G 100 g
EUR 93.6

Chitosan (10 cps), very low molecular weight

GP5480-1KG 1 kg
EUR 217.2

Chitosan (10 cps), very low molecular weight

GP5480-250G 250 g
EUR 122.4

Chitosan (10 cps), very low molecular weight

GP5480-25G 25 g
EUR 60

Chitosan (10 cps), very low molecular weight

GP5480-500G 500 g
EUR 160.8

High Molecular Weight Kininogen (HMWK) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 ug
  • 50 ug
  • 100 ug
  • 200 ug
  • 1 mg

High Molecular Weight Kininogen (HMWK) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 ug
  • 50 ug
  • 100 ug
  • 200 ug
  • 1 mg

High Molecular Weight Kininogen (HMWK) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 ug
  • 50 ug
  • 100 ug
  • 200 ug
  • 1 mg

High Molecular Weight Kininogen (HMWK) Antibody

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 10 ug
  • 50 ug
  • 100 ug
  • 200 ug
  • 1 mg

*Human Kininogen Purified Low Molecular Weight

EUR 406
Description: *Human Kininogen Purified Low Molecular Weight

Sheep Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E01A101566 96T
EUR 700
Description: ELISA

Mouse Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E01A23110 96T
EUR 700
Description: ELISA

Mouse Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E03L0244-192T 192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Mouse Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Mouse Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E03L0244-48 1 plate of 48 wells
EUR 624
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Mouse Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Mouse Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E03L0244-96 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 822
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Mouse Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Human Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E01L0244-192T 192 tests
EUR 1524
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Human Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Human Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E01L0244-48 1 plate of 48 wells
EUR 624
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Human Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Human Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E01L0244-96 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 822
Description: A competitive ELISA for quantitative measurement of Human Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit in samples from blood, plasma, serum, cell culture supernatant and other biological fluids. This is a high quality ELISA kit developped for optimal performance with samples from the particular species.

Human Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E01A5617 96T
EUR 700
Description: ELISA

Sheep Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E14L0244-48wellsplate 48 wells plate
EUR 280

Sheep Low molecular weight protein/proteasome β type subunit ELISA kit

E14L0244-96wellsplate 96 wells plate
EUR 405

rMAP: de Fast Microbial Evaluation Pipeline voor ESKAPE-gegevens over de volledige genoomsequentie van de bacteriële groep

De recente hernieuwde opkomst van multiresistente ziekteverwekkers heeft hun bedreiging voor de wereldwijde volksgezondheid verergerd. De evolutie van het genomics-tijdperk heeft geleid tot het genereren van enorme hoeveelheden sequencing-gegevens met een ongekende snelheid vanwege de steeds lagere kosten van whole-genome sequencing (WGS). We hebben de Fast Microbial Evaluation Pipeline (rMAP) ontwikkeld, een gebruiksvriendelijke pijplijn die in staat is om de resistomen van ESKAPE-pathogenen ( Enterococcus faecium ,  Staphylococcus aureus ,  Klebsiella pneumoniae ,  Acinetobacter baumannii ,  Pseudomonas aeruginosa  en  Enterobacter-  soorten gegenereerd uit ) te profilerensequentiëring platforms. rMAP is ontworpen voor personen met weinig experience op het gebied van bio-informatica en automatiseert de stappen die nodig zijn voor WGS-analyse rechtstreeks van de ruwe genomische sequentiegegevens, inclusief het trimmen van adapter en sequentielezing van lage kwaliteit,  de novo  genoomassemblage, genoomannotatie, single-nucleotide polymorfisme (SNP ) variantoproep, fylogenetische gevolgtrekking door maximale waarschijnlijkheid, antimicrobiële resistentie (AMR) profilering, plasmideprofilering, virulentiefactorbepaling, multi-locus sequentietypering (MLST), pangenoomanalyse en insertiesequentiekarakterisering (IS). Zodra de analyse is voltooid, genereert rMAP een interactief webachtig html-rapport. De installatie van rMAP is heel eenvoudig, het kan worden uitgevoerd met behulp van zeer eenvoudige opdrachten. Het vertegenwoordigt een snelle en gemakkelijke manier om uitgebreide bacteriële WGS-analyses uit te voeren met behulp van een persoonlijke laptop computer in een omgeving met een laag inkomen waar een krachtige computerinfrastructuur beperkt is.

Volledige chloroplast-genoomsequenties van Lagotis brevituba (Plantaginaceae): een beroemde Tibetaanse medicijnplant

Lagotis brevituba  is een beroemde Tibetaanse medicijnplant en in deze studie is het volledige chloroplastgenoom bepaald. Het volledige chloroplastgenoom is 152.967 bp lang, met een groot single-copy (LSC)-gebied van 83.740 bp, een klein single- copy (SSC)-gebied van 17.845 bp en een paar omgekeerde herhalingen (IR’s) van 25.691 bp. Het hele genoom bevatte 131 genen, waaronder 86 eiwitcoderende genen, 37 tRNA-genen en Eight rRNA-genen.

De volledige chloroplast-genoomsequentie van Ferula sinkiangensis KM Shen, een kostbare en bedreigde traditionele Chinese language geneeskunde

Ferula sinkiangensis  KM Shen is een waardevol traditioneel Chinees medicijn dat van oudsher wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van buikpijn en reumatoïde artritis. Het chloroplastgenoom van de  Ferula-genusplant  is niet eerder gerapporteerd. Deze studie rapporteerde de volledige chloroplast-genoomsequentie van  F. sinkiangensis op  foundation van high-throughput-sequencing. Het genoom was 166.583 bp lang en bevatte een klein single-copy (SSC) gebied van 17.595 bp en een groot single-copy (LSC) gebied van 85.242 bp, gescheiden door twee omgekeerde herhalingen (IR’s) van elk 31.873 bp.

Het genoom bevatte 114 unieke genen, waaronder 80 eiwitcoderende genen (PCG’s), vier rRNA-genen en 30 tRNA-genen. Bovendien bevatten 17 genen een of twee introns, waaronder negen PCG-genen met een enkel intron, twee PCG-genen die twee introns herbergen en zes tRNA-genen die een enkel intron herbergen. In deze studie had  F. sinkiangensis  KM de nauwste genetische verwantschap met  Torilis scabra  en geclusterd met de   familie Umbelliferae .

Sequentie en analyse van het volledige mitochondriale genoom van de Euraziatische boommus Passer montanus saturatus in de Republiek Korea (Passeriformes, Passeridae)

Euraziatische Boommus  Passer montanus  is een wijdverspreide zangvogel, en een ondersoort  P. m. saturatus  is bekend om Noordoost-Azië te bewonen. In deze studie decoderen we het volledige mitochondriale genoom van  P. m. saturatus  uit de Republiek Korea. Het mitogenoom was 16.904 bp lang en het gehalte aan A, T, G en C was respectievelijk 30,0% (5079 bp), 22,5% (3810 bp), 15,5% (2621 bp) en 31,9% (5394 bp). .

Het circulaire mitogenoom bevatte 38 genen (13 eiwitcoderende genen, 22 transfer-RNA’s en 2 ribosomale RNA’s) en een niet-coderend gebied. Fylogenetische analyse op foundation van de volledige mitogenoomsequenties gaf genetische afstanden aan in de soort Passeriformes en  P. m. saturatus  in de Republiek Korea is opgenomen in een monofyletische groep met  P. montanus  in China. Dit resultaat biedt basisinformatie over de populatiegenetica van een breed scala aan soorten Euraziatische boommus.

Protein Marker-2, Broad Range

MBS204502-5x05mL 5x0.5mL
EUR 1080

Prosi Prestained Protein Marker, Broad Range(11-170KDa)

P8500-040 200ulX2
EUR 135

Pre-stained Protein Markers(Broad Range) for SDS-PAGE

02525-35 500UL
EUR 115.5

Tricolor Broad Range Prestained Protein Ladder, 2 x 250µl

PR0624 each Ask for price

RNA Broad Range Standard, 100 ng/uL

99850 1UL
EUR 63
Description: RNA from immortalized human cell line (Homo sapiens)

RNA Broad Range Standard, 100 ng/uL

99850-1 EA
EUR 63

Pharmalyte broad range pH 8-10.5 25mL - EACH

17045501 EACH
EUR 847.8

Pharmalyte broad range pH 3-10 25mL - EACH

17045601 EACH
EUR 708.75

S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit, broad range

IK00202 96 tests
EUR 599
Description: S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit, broad range

S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit, broad range

IK00203 48 tests
EUR 349
Description: S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit, broad range

S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit, broad range

IK00302 96 tests
EUR 999
Description: S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit, broad range

S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit, broad range

IK00303 48 tests
EUR 499
Description: S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit, broad range

Broad Range DNA Quantification Kit, 100 assays

NS1020-BR-100 1 each
EUR 133.93

DNA Ladder One(Broad Range)(Ready To Use)

08362-85 500UL
EUR 105

AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit

31007-1 KT
EUR 295

Pharmalyte broad range pH 2.5-5 25mL - EACH

17045101 EACH
EUR 847.8

Pharmalyte broad range pH 4-6.5 25mL - EACH

17045201 EACH
EUR 847.8

Pharmalyte broad range pH 5-8 25mL - EACH

17045301 EACH
EUR 847.8

UNveil Unstained Protein Ladder, Broad Range (12 unstained bands, 10-200 kDa)

PMU12-0500 500 μl
EUR 35

Unstained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker (14.4-200kDa)

MKP014-200mL 200μL
EUR 15

AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution

31009-1 KT
EUR 199

Popular range Protein Marker: 14-66 kDa

78084 0.5 ml
EUR 20.87
Description: Part E

Popular range Protein Marker: 14-66 kDa

78084-1 1 ml
EUR 37.63
Description: Part E

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(8-180kDa)

MKPX004-250mL 250μL
EUR 30

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(8-250kDa)

MKPX005-250mL 250μL
EUR 40.8

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(10-180kDa)

MKPX006-250mL 250μL
EUR 25.2

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(10-250kDa)

MKPX007-250mL 250μL
EUR 26.4

TriColor Prestained Broad Molecular Weight Protein Marker(10-180kDa)

MKPX008-250mL 250μL
EUR 30

AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit (1000 assays)

31073-1 KT
EUR 341

AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit (200 assays)

31073-T 1kit
EUR 99
Description: RNA from immortalized human cell line (H. sapiens)

AccuBlue® Broad Range RNA Quantitation Kit (200 assays)

31073-T-1 KT
EUR 99

AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit (500 assays)

31069-1 KT
EUR 196

AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit (100 assays)

31069-T 1kit
EUR 84
Description: DNA from calf thymus (cow; Bos taurus)

AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit (100 assays)

31069-T-1 KT
EUR 84

Unstained High Range Protein Marker (43-200kDa)

MKP001-100mL 100μL
EUR 19.2

Unstained Low Range Protein Marker (14.4-97.4kDa)

MKP002-200mL 200μL
EUR 9.6

Prestained Low Range Protein Marker (6.2-66.2kDa)

MKP015-200mL 200μL
EUR 21

Prestained Low Range Protein Marker (14.4-97.4kDa)

MKP016-200mL 200μL
EUR 18

AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution (500 assays)

31070-1 KT
EUR 156

AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution (100 assays)

31070-T 1kit
EUR 68
Description: N/A

AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution (100 assays)

31070-T-1 KT
EUR 68

AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution, trial size

31009-T 1KIT
EUR 52
Description: N/A

AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution, trial size

31009-T-1 KT
EUR 52

GoldBand 3-color Low Range Protein Marker(2.7-40 kDa)

20344ES72 250 µl
EUR 125

GoldBand 3-color Low Range Protein Marker(2.7-40 kDa)

20344ES76 2×250 μL
EUR 225

GoldBand 3-color Low Range Protein Marker(2.7-40 kDa)

20344ES90 10×250 μL
EUR 945

GoldBand Plus 3-color High Range Protein Marker(25-300 KDa)

20347ES72 250 μL
EUR 100

GoldBand Plus 3-color High Range Protein Marker(25-300 KDa)

20347ES76 2×250 μL
EUR 135

GoldBand Plus 3-color High Range Protein Marker(25-300 KDa)

20347ES90 10×250 μL
EUR 565

PreStained High Range 3 Tri-Coloured Protein Marker: 10-315kDa

49772 0.25 ml
EUR 359.21
Description: Part E

AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Standards, set of nine, 0.5 mL each

31007C 1KIT
EUR 97
Description: DNA from calf thymus (cow; Bos taurus)

AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Standards, set of nine, 0.5 mL each

31007C-1 KT
EUR 97

Gold Band Plus 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker(8-180 kDa)

20350ES72 250 μL
EUR 75

Gold Band Plus 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker(8-180 kDa)

20350ES76 2×250μl
EUR 135

Gold Band Plus 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker(8-180 kDa)

20350ES90 10×250μl
EUR 585

RNA Marker (Ladder), Low Range

MBS657635-002mL 0.02mL
EUR 320

RNA Marker (Ladder), Low Range

MBS657635-5x002mL 5x0.02mL
EUR 620

RNA Marker (Ladder), High Range

MBS657630-002mL 0.02mL
EUR 325

RNA Marker (Ladder), High Range

MBS657630-5x002mL 5x0.02mL
EUR 665

14.4-116kDa Wide Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Unstained

BSM0431 2x1ml, 2ml
EUR 160.22

20-120kDa Mid Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Prestained

BSM0441 2x250ul, 500ul
EUR 164.4

10-200kDa Wide Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Unstained

BSM0661 2x250ul, 500ul
EUR 150.48

10-175kDa Wide Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Prestained

BG00363 500ul, 500ul
EUR 200.94

10-170kDa Wide Range Protein Molecular Weight Marker, Prestained

BSM0671 2x250ul, 500ul
EUR 312.13

AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standard, trial size (200 assays)

31007-T 1KIT
EUR 68
Description: DNA from calf thymus (cow; Bos taurus)

AccuBlue® Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standard, trial size (200 assays)

31007-T-1 KT
EUR 68

50-500bp Low Range DNA Marker

GM305 200loading, 200prep
EUR 137.78

S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range

IK00202s 96 tests
EUR 749
Description: S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range

S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range

IK00203s 48 tests
EUR 449
Description: S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range

S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range

IK00302s 96 tests
EUR 1399
Description: S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range

Helixyteâ„¢ Green Fluorimetric dsDNA Quantitation Kit *Optimized for Broad Dynamic Range*

17645 200 Tests
EUR 227
Description: DNA Quantitation is a very important task in DNA sample preparations for various analyses.

Helixyteâ„¢ Green Fluorimetric dsDNA Quantitation Kit *Optimized for Broad Dynamic Range*

17645-200Tests 200 Tests
EUR 222
Description: DNA Quantitation is a very important task in DNA sample preparations for various analyses.

Helixyteâ„¢ Green Fluorimetric dsDNA Quantitation Kit *Optimized for Broad Dynamic Range*

17646 1000 Tests
EUR 570
Description: DNA Quantitation is a very important task in DNA sample preparations for various analyses.

Helixyteâ„¢ Green Fluorimetric dsDNA Quantitation Kit *Optimized for Broad Dynamic Range*

17646-1000Tests 1000 Tests
EUR 558
Description: DNA Quantitation is a very important task in DNA sample preparations for various analyses.

1.5 kb to 48.5 kb High Range DNA Marker

E255 150ug, 150ug
EUR 378.42

SmartCheck™ Tri-color Extended Range Protein Marker, 12 bands 9-245 kDA, 2x250ul

PR5012-TC 1 each
EUR 170.47

SmartCheck™ Tri-color Extended Range Plus Protein Marker, 13 bands 9-245 kDA, 2x250ul

PR5013-TC 1 each
EUR 183.55

Pre-stained Protein Markers(Low Range) for SDS-PAGE

28941-75 500UL
EUR 119

Pre-stained Protein Markers(Low Range) for SDS-PAGE

28944-74 5X100UL
EUR 119

25-500bp Low Range DNA Marker A, Ready-to-use

GM303 20loading, 20prep
EUR 80.88

25-500bp Low Range DNA Marker A, Ready-to-use

GM304 5x20loading, 100prep
EUR 153.96

100-600bp Low Range DNA Marker B, Ready-to-use

GM331 50loading, 50prep
EUR 80.88

100-600bp Low Range DNA Marker B, Ready-to-use

GM332 5x50loading, 250prep
EUR 153.96

Low range multi-color protein markers (6.5-45 kDa) for Western

LMWM-12 250 ul
EUR 196.8

High range multi-color protein markers (6.5-205 kDa) for Western

HMWM-11 250 ul
EUR 343.2

100 bp-10 Kb Wide Range DNA Logical Marker, Original Form

M103O-1 100loading, 100prep
EUR 143.52

100 bp-10 Kb Wide Range DNA Logical Marker, Original Form

M103O-2 5x100loading, 500prep
EUR 435.84

Porteliteâ„¢ Fluorimetric DNA Quantitation Kit with Broad Dynamic Range *Optimized for Cytociteâ„¢ and Qubitâ„¢ Fluorometers*

17665 100 Tests
EUR 88
Description: DNA Quantitation is a very important task in DNA sample preparations for various analyses.

Porteliteâ„¢ Fluorimetric DNA Quantitation Kit with Broad Dynamic Range *Optimized for Cytociteâ„¢ and Qubitâ„¢ Fluorometers*

17665-100Tests 100 Tests
EUR 86
Description: DNA Quantitation is a very important task in DNA sample preparations for various analyses.


K1341050 1 kit
EUR 218.75

100 bp-10 Kb Wide Range DNA Logical Marker, Ready-to-use

M103R-1 100loading, 100prep
EUR 143.52

100 bp-10 Kb Wide Range DNA Logical Marker, Ready-to-use

M103R-2 5x100loading, 500prep
EUR 435.84

Markers Black lab broad point for glass plastic and metal - PK12

63110010 PK12
EUR 83.7

Middle range pre-stained (blue) protein markers (19-110 kda) for Western (SDS-PAGE)

MMWM-14 200 ul
EUR 196.8

High-Range 2 Protein Marker (14- 220 kDa)

99625 0.5 ml
EUR 23.78
Description: Part E

High-Range 2 Protein Marker (14- 220 kDa)

99625-1 1 ml
EUR 44.56
Description: Part E

High range Dual-color pre-stained protein markers (11 proteins ~10-175 kda) for Western (SDS-PAGE)

HMWM-13 250 ul
EUR 343.2

Low-Range Protein Marker: 3-40 kDa

59893 0.5 ml
EUR 20.87
Description: Part E

Low-Range Protein Marker: 3-40 kDa

59893-1 1 ml
EUR 37.63
Description: Part E

Low-Range Protein Marker: 3-40 kDa

59893-2 2.5 ml
EUR 79.2
Description: Part E

Mid-Range 3 Protein Marker: 14-95 kDa

58511 0.5 ml
EUR 20.87
Description: Part E

Mid-Range 3 Protein Marker: 14-95 kDa

58511-1 1 ml
EUR 37.63
Description: Part E

Mid-Range 3 Protein Marker: 14-95 kDa

58511-2 2.5 ml
EUR 79.2
Description: Part E

Mid-Range 1 Protein Marker: 14-80 kDa

33203 0.5 ml
EUR 20.87
Description: Part E

Mid-Range 1 Protein Marker: 14-80 kDa

33203-1 1 ml
EUR 37.63
Description: Part E

Mid-Range 1 Protein Marker: 14-80 kDa

33203-2 2.5 ml
EUR 79.2
Description: Part E

High-Range 1 Protein Marker (20 - 220 kDa)

12986 0.5 ml
EUR 23.78
Description: Part E

High-Range 1 Protein Marker (20 - 220 kDa)

12986-1 1 ml
EUR 44.56
Description: Part E

1Kb PCR Ranger DNA Marker, 750bp-To-20Kb

D1109-100 1ml
EUR 108

1Kb PCR Ranger DNA Marker, 750bp-To-20Kb

D1109-400 4x1ml
EUR 270

100bp PCR Ranger DNA Marker, 100bp-To-3Kb

D1108-100 1ml
EUR 112

100bp PCR Ranger DNA Marker, 100bp-To-3Kb

D1108-200 2x1ml
EUR 205

Mouse Protein broad- minded, bromi ELISA KIT

ELI-49294m 96 Tests
EUR 1038

Human Protein broad- minded, BROMI ELISA KIT

ELI-25353h 96 Tests
EUR 988.8

Human Protein broad-minded (TBC1D32) ELISA Kit

abx504074-96tests 96 tests
EUR 687.5

Mouse Protein broad-minded (TBC1D32) ELISA Kit

abx504075-96tests 96 tests
EUR 687.5

Human Protein broad-minded, C6orf170 ELISA Kit

MBS9316987-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human Protein broad-minded, C6orf170 ELISA Kit

MBS9316987-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Human Protein broad-minded, C6orf170 ELISA Kit

MBS9316987-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Human Protein broad-minded, C6orf170 ELISA Kit

MBS9316987-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171)

MBS642402-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 695

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171)

MBS642402-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 2975

Recombinant Human Protein broad-minded (BROMI) , partial

MBS1428775-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Recombinant Mouse Protein broad-minded (bromi) , partial

MBS1437575-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

100bp PCR Ranger DNA Marker, 100bp-To-3Kb, Concentrated

D2108-500 10x50ug
EUR 1081.2

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (AP)

MBS6466040-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (AP)

MBS6466040-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (PE)

MBS6466050-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (PE)

MBS6466050-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (APC)

MBS6466041-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (APC)

MBS6466041-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (FITC)

MBS6466043-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (FITC)

MBS6466043-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (Biotin)

MBS6466042-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (Biotin)

MBS6466042-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

Recombinant Danio rerio Protein broad-minded (bromi), partial

MBS1381835-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 405)

MBS6466045-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 405)

MBS6466045-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 490)

MBS6466046-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 490)

MBS6466046-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 550)

MBS6466047-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 550)

MBS6466047-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 650)

MBS6466048-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 650)

MBS6466048-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 750)

MBS6466049-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (MaxLight 750)

MBS6466049-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 4250

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2(D10L)

CSB-BP837688MHV 20μg Ask for price
Description: Baculovirus

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2(D10L)

CSB-MP837688MHV 20μg Ask for price
Description: Mammalian cell

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2(D10L)

CSB-EP837688MHV 20μg Ask for price
Description: E.coli

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2(D10L)

CSB-EP837688MHV-B 20μg Ask for price
Description: In Vivo Biotinylation in E.coli

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2(D10L)

CSB-YP837688MHV 20μg Ask for price
Description: Yeast

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2 (D10L)

MBS1339518-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1070

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2 (D10L)

MBS1339518-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 660

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2 (D10L)

MBS1339518-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 825

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2 (D10L)

MBS1339518-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 765

Recombinant Probable host range protein 2 (D10L)

MBS1339518-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 965

TriColor Broad Protein Ladder 3.5-245 kDa (100 minigel lanes)

BRBR0900101 each
EUR 152.6

Broad Spectrum Protease Inhibitor Cocktail

MBS176729-1mL 1mL
EUR 150

Broad Spectrum Protease Inhibitor Cocktail

MBS176729-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 525

Protein Marker Ultra Marker

E36G623 500 μl/100 loads
EUR 100

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (Azide free) (HRP)

MBS6466044-02mL 0.2mL
EUR 980

BROMI, NT (Protein Broad-minded, C6orf170, C6orf171) (Azide free) (HRP)

MBS6466044-5x02mL 5x0.2mL
EUR 4250

Anti- PPAR (Broad) Antibody

GWB-53BC91 0.1 ml Ask for price

Broad Spectrum Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100x)

AR1182 1mLX2
EUR 50
Description: Broad Spectrum Protease Inhibitor Cocktail; for inhibiting proteases and esterase.

Recombinant Monkeypox Virus Protein, Probable host range Protein 2

MPXV-0003 100ug
EUR 3198.4
Description: Store it at +4 ºC for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ºC~-80 ºC.

FluroBronze Hi-Range DNA Marker

99331 50 mcg
EUR 122.9
Description: Part E

FluroBronze Mid-Range DNA Marker

32462 50 mcg
EUR 91.94
Description: Part E

Whole Blue Range Prestained Protein Ladder, 2 x 250µl

PR0623 each Ask for price

RANGE 12- - Additional 1/2 shelf for RANGE 12-

ESAF2-2 each
EUR 142.24

Salmonella Broad Reactivity Antibody

GWB-A91B89 0.2 mg Ask for price

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